
I support leaders who want to change their world for good.

As a Team Learning Sherpa, I design and coach processes that rejuvenate organizations or communities that have lost their original entrepreneurial spirit because of growth, bureaucracy or silos. My practice is born at the intersection of innovation and team learning.

I was born in Mulhouse (Alsace) – a city that used to be free for more than four centuries. After studying at HEC in Paris, I worked four years in Chile, where I launched the first micro-credit bank with the support of M. Yunus. This is where I discovered the capacity of ordinary people to achieve extraodinary results.

Back in Europe in 1991, I took part in large strategy or re-engineering initiatives for global companies like AstraZeneca, Bank of Ireland, France Telecom,… In 1997, I launched my own company – Esprit d’Entreprise – and since then I have consulted for organizations of different kinds (large and small, government, trade unions, public corporations, start-ups,…). I have helped many teams in learning how to lead their organizations for both better performance and enjoyment (like Philips, Bonduelle,…). One of them (Group Poult) received in 2010 a national Award for its Innovation Management practices. In 2003, I also discovered Team Academy in Finland, a business school without classes that I launched in France in 2009. This revolutionary approach inspires my daily practice.

My motto could be : “Let’s get back to entrepreneurial basics, because people are sick of bureaucracy, silos and meaningless work !

I am married, I have 5 children and I live in the Loire Valley.

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  1. Pingback: « Salariés libérés, performance assurée?  échanges avec Isaac Getz et Mehdi Berrada | «Nicolas Cordier

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